Loan Status : Available - Convert Interest Only to Principle & Interest Note14% - P&I
Property Type: Manufactured Home
CMV : $99,000.00
LTV : 61%
Monthly payment : $701.44Interest Rate : 14%
Term : 20 Years
9501 E Broadway Road Mesa, AZ
Year : 1972
Beds : 2
Seasoned note. Property completely rehabbed.
Borrower History : Sales price $100k. Buyer put $25k down and has pd IO for a year on time. Converting to P&I with another $20k down. CMV $99k $55k note LTV 61%
Disclaimer: $750 expense for Title Ins through Pioneer. In house title clear and lein no charge. Availability pending while buyer is in Dodd Frank Compliance.
SOLD- Lot 104 Note Sale