Loan Status : 10% Monthly or 12% Deferred Interest Only Note
Property Type: Manufactured Home
FMV : $99,000.00
LTV : 75%
Loan Amount: $75,000.00
Monthly payment : $750 (approx until processed)Deferred
Interest Rate : 10% Monthly or 12% Deferred
Term : Annualized Yearly Renewal Note
Address: 1100 South Warner Drive #35 Apache Junction, AZ 85213
Year : 1998
Beds : 3 Baths : 2
SINGLEWIDE 16x60 960sq ft
Details: Mountain Vista Family MHP. All Ages Community.
Borrower History : 2 Year Long term renter wants to stay.
Disclaimer: $750 expense for Title Ins through Pioneer. In house title clear and lein no charge.
Available- Lot 35 Note Sale